Monday, February 23, 2015

Taking the Zephyr

“Toss me another clip! I’m out!”
“ I only have two shots left!”
“ Looks like we are going to have to fall back.”
“ No, we have our mission Bryce, eliminate the threat and return with the Zephyr!”
I’m Bryce Larkin, undercover CIA agent. I live in Los Angeles, California and have been in the CIA since I knew how to hold a gun. My team and I are stationed here because we have intel showing the Zephyr is in the city. The Zephyr is a small device that holds the United States nuclear launch codes. If that device gets in the hands of the wrong people they will have the power to wipe out the world with one button. Our mission is to take back the Zephyr before the terrorist get the idea to end the world. The General of the CIA is the one who always gives us our orders.
We were just given orders that the cell of terrorist was meeting at the LA City Docks. Our mission is to plant chips around them and even on them so we can hear and track them at all times. My partner and I are going to be undercover as the dock maintenance crew. We are going to be cleaning the yacht that they are meeting on. The only risk is that they take off while we are on the boat and we become compromised.
“Okay, I’m going to plant chips around them while you search for any intel that could be useful.” I am going to be cleaning the ship windows trying to get all the chips planted. I get the chips and start cleaning the windows in the same room they are in. They give me some strange looks but  just keep talking. As I walked past the table I bump into one of the men. As I did that I stuck a chip on one of the men. That should be the only one that I have to plant on the men. I continue cleaning and stick a few more around the room.
“ Hey, what are you doing back there!!” yelled one of the men.
The men get up and come to look for me. As soon as I hear them coming, I ditch out of the window onto the docks and run to the truck.
“ Casey, I’m back at the truck. We may have been compromised. Get out of there!”
“ Okay, I’m on my way but I’m not sure where they are.”
Casey comes storming into the truck and yells at me to get going. I slam on the gas and get out of there. I am hoping that the chips will lead us closer to the Zephyr. Casey and I get back to the house and immediately get a call from the general.
“ Good work men, we were able to get some more information about the Zephyr. We think that it is in a warehouse, but it is heavily guarded by men. Your mission is to infiltrate the warehouse and take back the Zephyr.”
As soon as we get that message we prepare our guns. We grab everything we have. We pile our gear in the truck and make our way to the coordinates for the warehouse.  We arrive at the warehouse and we hop out of the truck.
“What’s the plan Bryce?”
“We break in there, take out anyone in our way, and take back the Zephyr.”
As soon as we turn the corner, we have the warehouse in sight. Right away I see two big men with heavy machine guns. We want to take these guys out quietly. Casey and I split up and go around the warehouse so we can hit these guys quick from the side. We both take the guys out quickly and quietly. We see three more guys in the warehouse loading nuclear warfare into a crate. Next to it I also spot the Zephyr. They spot us and before we know it we are dropping down, hiding from their bullets coming at our heads. We start shooting back at them but are quickly running out of ammo. We break into the warehouse and take down 2 of the 5 guys. They start shooting at us and we take cover. After a while we start to run out of ammo.
“ Toss me another clip! I’m out!”
“ I only have two shots left!”
“ Looks like we are going to have to fall back.”
“ No we have our mission Bryce, eliminate the threat and return with the Zephyr!”
At this point I knew what I had to do. I needed to go in and take out the men with stealth. We tossed smoke, put on thermal goggles, and took out the remaining people. We were able to retrieve the Zephyr and place it in safe hands. The general was very pleased with us, but immediately gave us new orders.
Mission completed.